import { title } from 'cpb-common';
import { StorageInstance as storage } from '../shared.js';
* @module cpb-storage/metadata
* sets the custom file or dir metadata
* @method module:cpb-storage/metadata.set
* @async
* @param {string} bucket - gcs storage bucket name
* @param {string} file - file or dir name
* @param {object} metadata - custom metadata object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} meta.metadata - new custom metadata
async function SetMetadata({ bucket, file, metadata }) {
if (!bucket) throw new TypeError('!bucket');
// if (!file) throw new TypeError('!file');
if (!metadata) throw new TypeError('!metadata');
title('SetMetadata', { bucket, file, metadata });
const api = file ? storage.bucket(bucket).file(file) : storage.bucket(bucket);
async function setMetadata() {
const [meta] = await api.setMetadata({ metadata });
return meta.metadata;
return await setMetadata().catch(console.error);
* gets custom metadata for the bucket or file/dir in the bucket
* @method module:cpb-storage/metadata.get
* @async
* @param {string} bucket - gcs storage bucket name
* @param {string} file - file or dir name
* @returns {Promise<Object>} metadata.metadata - file or dir metadata
async function GetMetadata({ bucket, file }) {
if (!bucket) throw new TypeError('!bucket');
// if (!file) throw new TypeError('!file');
title('GetMetadata', { bucket, file });
const api = file ? storage.bucket(bucket).file(file) : storage.bucket(bucket);
async function getMetadata() {
const [metadata] = await api.getMetadata();
// console.log(`Bucket: ${metadata.bucket}`);
// console.log(`CacheControl: ${metadata.cacheControl}`);
// console.log(`ComponentCount: ${metadata.componentCount}`);
// console.log(`ContentDisposition: ${metadata.contentDisposition}`);
// console.log(`ContentEncoding: ${metadata.contentEncoding}`);
// console.log(`ContentLanguage: ${metadata.contentLanguage}`);
// console.log(`ContentType: ${metadata.contentType}`);
// console.log(`CustomTime: ${metadata.customTime}`);
console.log(`Crc32c: ${metadata.crc32c}`);
console.log(`ETag: ${metadata.etag}`);
console.log(`Generation: ${metadata.generation}`);
console.log(`Id: ${}`);
// console.log(`KmsKeyName: ${metadata.kmsKeyName}`);
console.log(`Md5Hash: ${metadata.md5Hash}`);
// console.log(`MediaLink: ${metadata.mediaLink}`);
console.log(`Metageneration: ${metadata.metageneration}`);
console.log(`Name: ${}`);
console.log(`Size: ${metadata.size}`);
// console.log(`StorageClass: ${metadata.storageClass}`);
console.log(`TimeCreated: ${new Date(metadata.timeCreated)}`);
console.log(`Last Metadata Update: ${new Date(metadata.updated)}`);
// console.log(`temporaryHold: ${metadata.temporaryHold ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`);
// console.log(`eventBasedHold: ${metadata.eventBasedHold ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`);
if (metadata.retentionExpirationTime) {
console.log(`retentionExpirationTime: ${new Date(metadata.retentionExpirationTime)}`);
return metadata;
return await getMetadata().catch(console.error);
* @exports module:cpb-storage/metadata
* @description
* # File and Bucket Metadata Operations
export default {
get: GetMetadata,
set: SetMetadata,